banner featuring images of five members of Rotary leadership and a button inviting users to click to learn more about all the speakers at this event
Welcome to the home of all things Empire Multi-District President Elect Training Seminar. This site has all the information you need to prepare for training for Club Presidents and Assistant Governors.
Use the nav bar at the top to learn about this year's program, including speaker bios, get details on our Pre-PETS virtual session topics, and find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ's). 

See you March 15-17 at the DoubleTree in Syracuse!

Meet Your MDPELS Chair Ralph Brandt
Ralph E Brandt Jr.
District Governor 2022-23, District 7120

Ralph Brandt is a 32 year member of Bloomfield Rotary having served as club President multiple times, Secretary, Treasurer, Area Governor, Vice Chair of Empire MDPETS and District Governor in 2022 – 2023.
Ralph is a RLI facilitator and serves on District 7120 Strategic Planning Committee.
He is widowed and resides in Bristol, NY with his daughter and son-in- law. He is excited to be Chairing Empire MDPETS 2023 – 2025.
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