Dave DeMers
    District Governor Elect
    District 7120
Dave joined Spencerport Rotary as an individual member in 2014.  He started as a Rotarian in a family membership in 2011 with his wife Ann. Dave is past president of the Spencerport Rotary for 2017-18 and 2022-23
    He has held numerous positions in the Spencerport Club including: Treasurer 2014 - 2017, Club Foundation Chair 2021-present, Club Membership Chair 2014 - 2023 “Boots on the Ground” Service Projects – chair 2019 - present. Paul Harris Recipient -2015 and 2020, District Friendship          Exchange-2018- present, District 7120 Governor Elect Hospitality program member 2019-present Dave is also a Paul Harris Fellow +4.
    Dave along with his wife Ann hosted Governor Elects from Pakistan, India and Australia and participated in the Friendship Exchange. In May 2023, we were able to visit Brazil as part of the Friendship Exchange.  This was truly a rewarding life changing event with the opportunity to visit          Rotary clubs from a different culture. It was a tremendous experience and showed Rotary bonds all persons no matter their ethnicity, language or culture.
    Dave is a retired police officer from the Rochester Police Department. 25 years of service to the community.  He is also retired from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department.  His career as a law enforcement officer has given Dave a strong insight into getting to the root of a problem and      being able to resolve the situation in a peaceful non combative way.
    Dave’s wife Ann is a retired high school teacher and is currently a home travel agent. Ann is an active member of the Spencerport Rotary, being literacy chair for the club.  Ann is also a Paul Harris Fellow recipient 2014 and 2019.
    Dave and Ann reside in Spencerport and have 3 grown children.
  Lindsey and her husband Bruce live in Louisville, Kentucky with their daughter & son, Kimberly and her husband Matt live in Rochester with their two daughters and Sean and wife Lexy live in Atlanta.
  Dave and Ann are excited to be continuing their Rotary journey as District Governor for the 2024-25 Rotary year.